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2023/2024 Solar Programmatic EIS

The Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (Final Programmatic EIS) and Proposed Resource Management Plan Amendments (Proposed RMPA) for Utility-Scale Solar Energy Development is now available on the BLM National NEPA Register (ePlanning). The Final Programmatic EIS and Proposed RMPA seek to update the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) 2012 Western Solar Plan to support current and future national clean energy goals, long-term energy security, climate resilience, and improved conservation outcomes. The proposal would help the BLM more efficiently permit solar development on public lands and help expedite implementation of national clean energy goals while supporting BLM's multiple use mission.

The proposed plan would:

  • Make more than 31 million acres of public land in 11 states available for application for solar development and eliminate variance lands as a category.
  • Allow solar applications within 15 miles of existing or proposed transmission lines (69kv lines and larger), and beyond that distance on previously disturbed lands.
  • Exclude development in areas with a high likelihood of resource conflict, including with sensitive wildlife or cultural resources.
  • Apply only to solar projects that are 5 megawatts or larger and connect to the grid.
  • Allow solar development applications in areas with up to a 10 percent slope.
  • Ensure project requirements to avoid, minimize, and compensate for adverse impacts.

The updated Western Solar Plan would apply to all future applications for solar projects on BLM-managed public lands within the 11 western states. Some or all elements of the plan would also apply to some projects for which the applicant has already submitted an application to the BLM, depending on how far along the application is in the BLM's review process.

The BLM initiated the Programmatic EIS for solar energy development in December 2022, beginning with a 60-day scoping period which included 15 public scoping meetings. This was followed by release of the draft updated Plan in January 2024 with a 90-day public comment period and a series of public open house meetings. The BLM consulted with Tribal Nations throughout the process and worked with more than 70 cooperating agencies from the 11-state planning area, including federal and state agencies, counties, and conservation districts.

To view the Final Programmatic EIS and Proposed RMPA, visit the project ePlanning page at https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2022371/510.