Bureau of Land Management Solar Energy Permitting and Program Resources
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Other BLM Planning Tools

Geospatial Mapping Tools

The BLM has developed the Landscape Approach Data Portal, a publicly available online mapping tool that provides geospatial data, maps, models and reports produced by BLM's landscape initiative including the:

  • Assessment, Inventory & Monitoring (AIM) strategy
  • BLM National Data
  • Fire & Invasives Assessment Tool (FIAT) program
  • Greater Sage-Grouse (GRSG)
  • Integrated Rangeland Fire Management Strategy (IRFMS)
  • Rapid Ecoregional Assessments (REAs)

The portal also provides the BLM Rights-of-Way Planning Tool that includes geospatial information on Section 368 Corridors similar to that provided by the Corridor Mapping Tool. The ROW Planning tool also allows users to add their own layers to the tool during use to allow greater flexibility for users to view Section 368 energy corridors and their proximity to resources not hosted on the BLM website.

Visual Resources Clearinghouse

The visual impacts of solar energy and other renewable energy projects must be included in National Energy Policy Act (NEPA) evaluations. The Visual Resources Clearinghouse provides access to key documents concerning U.S. federal Government visual resources management (VRM) programs and related research sponsored by U.S. federal government agencies, including the Bureau of Land Management.