Bureau of Land Management Solar Energy Permitting and Program Resources
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The BLM's updated Renewable Energy Rule went into effect on July 1, 2024. The information presented on this webpage is in the process of being updated.

Rental Payment

Major milestone BLM-initiated action Bidder/leasee-initiated action Due diligence Assignments Bonding Applicable fees Finalize plan of development Conduct NEPA evaluation (if not conducted prior to leasing) Cost recovery Rental payment Issue ROW lease Reject bids (if applicable) Bidding Variable offsets Notice of competitive offer Call for nominations(if applicable) Select and prepare parcels Initiate Competitive Process BLM ConductsCompetitive Offer BLM Selects Successful Bidder Terms and Conditions for Leases BLM Issues Notice to Proceed Procedures for Issuing Solar Energy ROW Leases Competitively
Click on the steps in the diagram to learn more

The new leaseholder must pay rent and applicable fees as specified under 43 CFR 2806.54.

Right-of-way authorization leases for solar energy development require:

  • an annual rent, consisting of an acreage rent that must be paid prior to issuance of the authorization, and
  • an annual $2,000 per megawatt (MW) capacity fee rate for all technologies (payment required when energy generation begins) that is phased-in at the start of energy generation. The MW capacity fee payment will vary depending on the nameplate capacity of the solar energy development and phase-in.

The regulations describing rental fees for solar energy leases applicable in areas inside of designated leasing areas (DLAs) are found in 43 CFR 2806.50, 43 CFR 2806.51, 43 CFR 2806.54, 43 CFR 2806.56, and 43 CFR 2806.58.

On May 26, 2022, pursuant to the authority under the Energy Act of 2020, the BLM published reduced per acre rent rates and capacity fees in Chapter 6 of its Manual of Rent for Rights of Way to promote the greatest use of wind and solar energy resources on public lands.